英语作文600字 篇1
Every girl like to be beautiful, I am no exception. Once, I thought I was fat, in order to look as perfect as the movie stars, I went on diet, I refused the delicious food, which made me sick. Finally, I gave up, I realized that I wasn’t a star, I just need to be myself. Maybe I am not beautiful in outlook, but I can be an excellent girl. To be an excellent girl, I need to read more books. Books indeed bring me the nutrition which makes me different. Books broaden my vision, I see the different sceneries in the books, I feel like I am growing up. I am no longer narrow-minded, I start to treat things in different ways. When other girls are talking about how to look beautiful, I don’t care about it, I just care about how to live my own way.
英语作文600字 篇2
星期五下午班队课,全校同学到操场集合。主席台上挂着横幅:“激情英语大家唱”。连四位主持人说话也是一遍中文,一遍英文,使我们既紧张,又兴奋。万事开头难,首先是一年级小同学演唱,虽然很简单,但他们唱的很卖力,动作也很复杂。一看就是用了心思的,没想到小屁孩们也不赖嘛!大家情不自禁地鼓起掌来,二年级可一定要超过他们,这不,一首“Sunday Monday”像磁铁一样吸引我们,英语老师在前面跟他们一起做动作,让我联想到朱老师,她为同学们付出了多少血汗啊!我们一定要回报老师们。
我们班同学已经迫不及待地想去表演,主持人终于说:“下面请四年级同学表演“Mr sun”以及英语版校歌!”“Oh Mr sun,sun……”这几个星期的劳累,好像一下子释放出来,我们尽情地跳着,快乐之花在每个人的脸上绽放着!
六年级是英语知识最丰富的年级,他们演唱的是南非世界杯主题歌——waka waka!不过我们班也跟着他们一起沾光。你可能会问:四年级哪能跟六年级一起唱歌呀?你们会唱吗?waka waka 可是我们班耳熟能详的老歌曲了,大部分同学都会唱。不过李滋、吴蓉、文童她们来了点儿新创意,换上虎皮装,用口红在脸上胡乱画上几道,光着脚丫,甩着头发,成了21世纪的“野人”!我们光顾着看主席台上“野人”们的.舞蹈,却全然不顾后面的六年级,因为她们的舞蹈体现了世界杯的疯狂与热情,实在太精彩了!
英语作文600字 篇3
The last class of that morning was also the last English class taught by Mr. Cui, for his wife was coming from the United States to Shanghai and he was to meet her and settle down there. We love Mr. Cui very much, but we'll have little chance to see him again.
The class began. Thinking that we had to part from him soon, we felt sorry.Mr. Cui was sad, too. After he explained the grammar to us, he began to teach us to sing an English song: Yesterday Once More. It was a beautiful song and we learned it by heart quickly. When singing, some girls burst into tears.
There were only ten minutes left. He asked us if we had any questions. At this moment Ma Yuanyuan, our monitor, stood up. She walked to the front and presented ① our gifts to Mr. Cui ----a small painting and a card with our signatures ②. He thanked us and said that wherever he was, he would not forget us. Finally we said together loudly,“Dear teacher, good-bye and good luck!”