夏天来了,也是水果丰收的季节,各种各样的水果都在陆续上市。有西瓜、枇杷、葡萄、奇异果、榴莲,芒果等水果。 有一天放学回家,进了门我发现有一股臭臭的味道,我很好奇的'到处找,后来在厨房发现了榴莲。妈妈让我尝一尝,并对我说:“榴莲是水果之王,有很多维生素,对身体有益。”我一脸怀疑的看着妈妈,心想:“这么臭的水果能吃吗?”我试着拿了一块金黄色的果肉,慢慢的放在了嘴里,觉得不那么臭了,味道有点微甜,有点肥,还有点冰淇淋的味道。哈哈! 这是我第一次吃榴莲,感觉还是不错的。
Summer is coming. It's also the season of fruit harvest. All kinds of fruits are on the market. There are watermelon, loquat, grape, kiwi fruit, durian, mango and other fruits. One day when I came home from school, I found that there was a stink in the door. I was curious to find it everywhere. Later, I found durian in the kitchen. My mother asked me to taste it and said to me, "Durian is the king of fruit. It has many vitamins and is good for your health." I looked at my mother suspiciously and thought, "can I eat such smelly fruit?" I tried to take a piece of golden flesh and slowly put it in my mouth. It didn't smell so bad. It was a little sweet, a little fat and a little ice cream. Ha-ha! This is my first time to eat durian. It's still good.