兹证明: 装箱现场检查员已根据《国际海运危险 货物规则》的要求,对上述集装箱和箱内所装危险 货物及货物在箱内的积载情况进行了检查。 并声 明如下: 1. 2.
集装箱情节、干燥、外观商适合装货。 如果托运货物中包括除第1.4 类外的第1类
This is certify that above mentioned container, dangerous goods packed therein and their stowage condition have been inspected by the undersigned packing inspector according to the provisons of INTER- NATIONAL MARITIME DANGEROUS GOODS CODE and to de- clare that
1. The container was clean,dry and apparently fit to receive the goods. 2. If the consignments include goods of class 1 except division 1.4,the container is structurally serviceable in conformity with section 12 of the introduction to class 1 of the IMDG Code.
3. No incompatible goods have been packed into container, unless approved by the competent authority concerned in accordance with 12.2.1
4.All packages have been externally inspected for damage, and only sound packages have been packed.
5.All packagesa have been externally inspected for damage, and secured dunnaged
6. When dangerous goods are transported in bulk packagings, the cargo has been evenly distributed in the container
7.The container and packages therein are properly marked, labelled and placarded,
8.When solid carbon dioxide (dre ice) is used for cooling purpose , the Container is externally marked or labeled in a conspicuous place at the door and with the words: ‘DANGEROUS CO2-GAS (DRY ICE)INSIDE, VENTILATE THOROUGIILY BEFORE ENTER-. ING”
9. The dangerous goods declaration required in subsection 9.4 of General Introduction to the International Maritime Dangerous
以上各项准确无误。 装箱现场检查员签字: Signature of packing inspector:
装箱现场检查员证书编号: No. of certificate of packing inspector:
装箱日期: Date of packing:
签发日期: Date of Issue:
装箱单位(公章): Packing unit (seal) :
That all stated above are correct. 检查地点: Place of Inspection
Goods code (IMGE Code) has been received for each dangerous Goods consignment packed in the container
货物,集装箱在结构上符合《国际危规》第1类 绪论中第12节的规定。 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
管机关按第12.2.1节的规定批准者外。 所有包装均已经过外观破损检查,装箱的包件 完好无损。 当散装危险货物装入集装箱时,货物已均匀地 集装箱和所装入的包件均已正确地加以标记、 当将固体二氧化碳(干冰)用于冷却目的时,在 集装箱外部门断明显处已显示标记或标志, 注 明: “内有危险气体-二氧化碳(干冰),进入 之前务必彻底通风。”
对集装箱内所装地每票危险货物,已经收到根 据《国际危规》总论第9.4节所要求地危险货 物申报单。
所有包件装箱正确,衬垫、加固有理。 分布在集装箱内。 标示和标题。
Tow copies of the certificate should be filled by the packing inspector.One should be subnitted to Harbour Super ntendency.Administration three days prior to shipment and the other should be given to the carrier on container on container delivery.