10月3日,我们本来想去熊猫基地,开车来到了一家加油站,加油站的`阿姨说:前方有泥石流,大熊猫已经搬家了。我们就改变了方向,去汶川映秀镇,在映秀镇里我看到了一个大铜杯,上面写的是: 大爱无疆,这时候我想到了5、12 大地震的事情,他们的房子都倒塌了,很多人在废墟上救他们……现在我看到了震后新建的房屋和学校。
On October 3, we wanted to go to the panda base and drove to a gas station. The aunt of the gas station said: there is a mudslide ahead and the giant panda has moved. We changed our direction and went to Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan. I saw a big copper Cup in Yingxiu town. It said: "love is boundless. At this time, I thought of the events of the 5-12 earthquake. Their houses collapsed. Many people saved them from the ruins Now I see new houses and schools built after the earthquake.